Enlarge | New fuel depot in Ulan-Ude airport |
18 Aug 2023 |
In July 2023 Aeroflot, a national air line company, carried out a production inspection of Aerofuels-Perm refueling complex to assess refueling equipment maintenance status and procedures of aviation fuels supply and refueling in the airport. The inspection was held on behalf of IATA Fuel Quality Pool (IFQP) and consists of the airlines which take part in the cooperation for refueling companies inspection in line stations. Aeroflot representatives highly appreciated an affirmative approach of the management to arrangement of inspection procedures and Aerofuels-Perm personnel professionalism, as well as refueling complex activities. Based on inspection results Aerofuels refueling complex in the international airport of Perm confirmed the highest status of refueling operations safety level – Green.
Aerofuels-Perm refueling complex is a member of TZK network belonging to Aerofuels Group of Companies. In the international airport of Perm the refueling complex TZK is alternative and over 20 years it has been successfully operating in a competitive market. Aerofuels-Perm renders all scope of services in jet kerosene reception, storage, quality control and aircraft refueling.
10 Aug 2023 |
On the 07th of August in the international airport of Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk (Khomutovo) a new air-terminal complex was put into operation. At the opening ceremony Valery Limarenko, Governor of the Sakhalin Region, highly appreciated this important event and especially noticed that new air terminal operation offered additional opportunities for Sakhalin and nearest Russian regions intensive development.
The new air terminal became the biggest in the Far Eastern Federal District: its total area is about 47,5 thousand square meters, planned throughput capacity: in the domestic air lines — 1 thousand passengers per hour, in the international air lines — 600 passengers per hour. Volume of investments in construction exceeded 12 billion rubles. It is obvious that due to putting into operation of the up-to-date air terminal furnished with high-technology equipment, the international airport of Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk will soon become the largest regional passenger and freight transit hub.
The first flight in the new air terminal which was greeted by a traditional water arch became the flight of Rossiya airlines arrived from Moscow. The plane refueling was provided by refueling complex of Aerofuels Kamchatka– a branch of Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk which has been operating in the airport of Khomutovo (Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk) since August 2014; it obtains a modern fuel and lubricant storage, its own quality laboratory, new refuelers and highly qualified personnel. TZK has all required certificates and licenses, regularly and successfully passes industry-specific inspections and offers refueling services to its customers, which meet the highest Russian and international aviation requirements in the field of refueling activities.
09 Aug 2023 |
In July 2023 Aerofuels-Perm engaged in refueling in the international airport of Perm (Bolshoye Savino), as well as its branch in the airport of Izhevsk, succeeded in passing certification of The State Research Institute of Civil Aviation of the RF Ministry of Transport. Certification was held within the Voluntary certification system of civil aviation covering reception, storage, preparation to delivery and delivery for refueling and refueling of aircrafts with aviation fuel and anti-icing fluid. Aerofuels-Perm and the branch – Aerofuels Perm-Izhevsk confirmed for forthcoming three years their full conformance to the Russian Federation legislation requirements for arrangement of aviation fuel supply of air services.
Aerofuels-Perm and its branch in Izhevsk are parts of Aerofuels group refueling complex network. The companies offer the whole range of services in aviation fuel reception, storage, quality control and aircraft refueling in two Russian airports, and, along with the highest service level they guarantee to their Russian and foreign customers refueling with high-quality aviation fuel at attractive price.
03 Aug 2023 |
An open ball hockey competition in 3x3 format between men teams took place in the city of Polyarnyje Zori of the Murmansk Region in early June, 2023, and coincided with celebration of the 50th anniversary of the first power unit start-up in Kola Nuclear Power Plant and 55th anniversary of the settlement, nowadays - the city of Polyarnyje Zori. Kola Nuclear Power Plant and the Primary public trade union organization of the station arranged the games.
This year one of the most remarkable events in the region was held at a high level: about one hundred adult amateur teams from Moscow, Murmansk, Kandalaksha, Kovdor, Olenegorsk and Polyarnyje Zori took part in the struggle for a trophy. Our team - AEROFUELS, current champion of Russia in ball hockey participated in the tournament (and took a leading position from the very beginning). One of the players of the team is Dmitry Sychev – ex-football player of the Team of Russia, bronze medalist of 2008 European Football Championship, Honoured Master of Sports in football, a bronze medalist of 2021 ball hockey World Championship. On the 03rd of June in the city stadium of Polyarnyje Zori a football master-class and autograph signing session with Dmitry Sychev were held.
In a tough struggle in the final match AEROFUELS team gained a victory over KolAtom team with the score 5:2 and took the first place in the event, thus having confirmed its title of a champion of Russia in ball hockey.
28 Jul 2023 |
In July 2023 TZK Irkutsk (Aerofuels Group of Companies) received their new Certificate of conformity for performance of laboratory analysis in quality control of aviation fuels and lubricants and anti-icing fluid filled in the aircrafts at the international airport of Irkutsk. The certificate was issued by the Federal Agency of Air Transport and registered in the System of voluntary certification of RF Civil Aviation. The document is valid till July 2026. The certified laboratory is equipped with high-tech equipment, and provides in the airport of Irkutsk a full range of works on jet kerosene of TC-1 grade and special fluids quality control in strict compliance with the Russian aviation standards and requirements.
TZK Irkutsk is a part of refueling complexes network belonging to Aerofuels Group of Companies, and today it is one of the most dynamically developing regional suppliers of aviation fuel. Along with the up-to-date laboratory, the company has its own refueling facilities and highly qualified personnel in the airport . TZK Irkutsk guarantees to the customer refueling with certified jet kerosene having passed the required laboratory tests and inspections using equipment which meets all industry-specific standards.
20 Jul 2023 |
In July 2023 Aerofuels Group of Companies finished revamping and upgrade of the petroleum-storage depot in the city of Borovichi of the Novgorod Region, which the company acquired in 2021. After large-scale work the depot became a real logistic centre for delivery, storage and shipment of light petroleum products for the customers, as well as refueling complexes of Aerofuels network on the territory of the Central and Northwestern Districts of Russia. Availability of such centre in the region makes logistics easy and provides reduction of aviation fuels and lubricants cost. Convenient location of the petroleum-storage depot is one of the key factors ensuring uninterrupted and guaranteed supply of fuel to the region airports by rail and truck. Volume of simultaneous storage in the depot is over 5000 tons.
Since 2010 Aerofuels Group of Companies has been offering to the partner companies a full range of services in transshipment and storage of light petroleum products in their depots in Tomsk, Ulyanovsk, Kirov, Ulan-Ude and Nizhny Novgorod. For the last several years the company implemented a significant investment project on construction and upgrade of infrastructure, special equipment and tank farm. All petroleum-storage depots belonging to Aerofuels Group of Companies have the required licenses and certificates confirming full conformance to the petroleum products storage and transshipment requirements.
29 Sep 2022 |
From September 26th to September 30th Aerofuels holds training methods meetings in their branch – the airport of Pulkovo, in which managers of Aerofuels Group regional enterprises take part, as well as representatives of Fuels and Lubricants Departments. During five days the event participants undertake special training in certain key areas of refueling complex activities, in particular: maintaining of refueling facilities, equipment and aviation fuel supply procedures operability in the Russian airports, industrial safety, labor safety and environment protection, emergency situations prevention, arrangement of a complex of measures for aviation fuels and lubricants and refueling equipment quality assurance. On September 30th it is planned to hold a practical training in inspection of pressure control system and emergency refueling shutdown operability (“test-rig”), after which all meeting participants shall take a theoretical and practical test.
The training methods meeting program in Pulkovo is developed with regard to applicable requirements and standards in air transport of the Russian Federation.
16 Aug 2022 |
On August 14th in the Museum of hockey glory the Aerofuels team players took part in a ceremony of awarding the winners of the first men’s ball hockey championship of Moscow held in “three against three” format. The team took the first place and won all six matches of the inaugural tournament. The following persons attended the ceremony: Mr. S.V.Gerasimov, Ball-Hockey Federation President, Mr. S.V.Alexeev, Head of Sports Law Chair, Mr. L.B.Andryuschenko, Head of Physical Education Chair of Plekhanov Russian University of Economics, Mr. O.Yu.Mikryukov, TZK AEROFUELS Airport Activities Development Director, and Mr. D.V.Polyanchikov, President of the Jury of Ball Hockey Federation, Head of Hockey Technologies Department of the Russian Ice Hockey Federation. Along with the gold medal every player received a special prize – a text-book “Sports Law” included in the Golden Fund of the Russian text-books.
Crucial games of the Moscow ball-hockey championship took place on the 30th of July in the playground of Plekhanov Russian University of Economics. Three much-fancied teams having confidently beaten other opponents determined standings. The team named “Hermes” managed to beat the team called “Wolves” in a rivalry game, when they were down 1-4, but tipped the scales in their favor and performed incredible comeback. The result: 7-5 in favor of Hermes. Aerofuels, having shown well-cooperated and scoring play, having lost not a single point in the games, won deservedly the first Moscow championship. The most experience Wolves kept the second place and Hermes – the third place.
The next step in the national ball-hockey development will be the Russian championship planned for September. We do hope our team will keep its leadership in this competition as well.
11 Aug 2022 |
In July 2022 Aurora Airlines JSC carried out auditing of Aerofuels branch (a member of Aerofuels Group of Companies) in the international airport of Yakutsk. Auditing was carried out in compliance with internal quality control system of the airline operation in regard to assessment of actual status of the service company’s material and technical facilities, safety of work, quality and rendered services time assurance. Airline representatives inspected the tank farm and aviation fuels and lubricants quality control laboratory condition, aerodrome refueling equipment, and TZK compliance with the industrial norms and standards of aviation fuel supply to the aircraft. Based on the audit results, no non-compliance with the airline requirements was revealed.
Previously this year, Aeroflot PJSC carried out inspection of TZK operation in the airport of Yakutsk, and the main goal of that was to assess refueling facilities and equipment operability maintaining status, as well as aviation and fuel supply procedures in the airport. The inspection was performed on behalf of the IATA Pool fuel quality control inspection (IFQP) consisting of the airlines taking part in cooperation for fuel companies inspection in the line stations.
Aeroflot representatives highly appreciated an affirmative approach of Aerofuels management and personnel in the airport of Yakutsk, and favorably evaluated the refueling complex activities.
The refueling complex in the airport of Yakutsk, operated by Aerofuels, has been working since May 2020. It has an up-to-date fuel and lubricant storage, new refuelers and highly qualified personnel. The enterprise renders services meeting the highest Russian and international aviation requirements, and has all required certificates and licenses to undertake refueling activities.
15 Jul 2022 |
Today is the 27th birthday of Aerofuels Group of Companies. Within these years Aerofuels became one the most successful and remarkable players in the most competitive market of aviation fuel supply in Russia and abroad. Due to well-cooperated work of a group of truly competent persons the company continues its development and extends business activities. For many years Aerofuels has been introducing high domestic and international standards of aviation fuel supply to large and small regional airports operation, with special attention being paid to application of modern achievements in aircraft refueling by their own TZK network. Aerofuels guarantees their customer high quality of rendered services. It has all required Federal Air Transport Agency certificates for operation in the Russian airports, and regularly passes auditing which results confirm full conformance of refueling to the industrial standards. Refueling services are provided by use of their own fleet of refuelers satisfying the highest requirements. Efficient management, investments to new technological solutions in the field of aviation fuel refueling and their sequential implementation in Aerofuels Group of Companies enterprises are a strong basis for large-scale plans for further development of TZK network and entry into new markets.
22 Jun 2022 |
In September 2022 Aerofuels Group of Companies plans to finalize upgrading and revamping of the fuel storage depot in Borovichi (Novgorod region) which the company obtained last year.
By the end of 2022 Borovichi fuel storage depot will become a large logistic centre for light oil products shipment to the customers and Aerofuels refueling complexes on the territory of the Central and North-western Districts of the Russian Federation. A convenient location of the fuel storage depot is one the key factors ensuring continuous guaranteed railway and truck delivery of fuels and lubricants to the airports of the region. On the territory of the fuel storage depot there is 6000 m3 tank farm, 8 tank car railway loading/unloading and up-to-date loading stations.
Since 2010 Aerofuels Group of Companies has been offering to companies-partners a full complex of services in transshipment and storage of light oil products in their fuel storage depots in Tomsk, Ulyanovsk, Kirov, Ulan-Ude and Nizhny Novgorod. For the last years the company has implemented a large investment project for construction and upgrade of infrastructure, special equipment and tank farm. All fuel storage depots belonging to Aerofuels Group of Companies have the required licenses and certificates confirming full conformance to the requirements for oil products storage and transshipment.
25 May 2022 |
Russia and Thailand are interested in resumption of direct flights between the countries to activate tourist traffic, - Ministry of Economic Development representative informed journalists on the basis of results of Mr.Maxim Reshetnikov, Head of Ministry, meeting with Minister of Trade of Thailand. Within APEC forum held in Thailand on May 21st, 2022, Mr.Reshetnikov met Mr. Jurin Laksanawisit, Deputy Prime-Minister, Minister of Trade, of Thailand.
“During bilateral talks in the format closed for mass media the parties discussed current issues of an economical cooperation, and marked prospective trends of interrelation”, - Ministry of Economic Development representative, having taken part in the meeting, said to the journalists. “One of the issues discussed within the meeting of two ministers was tourism. Minister of Trade of Thailand expressed his hope for tourist traffic from Russia recovery. The parties agreed to discuss additionally the issues within the trade and economic cooperation sub-commission, and expressed mutual wish to resume direct flights between the countries to activate the tourist traffic. They agreed that relevant negotiations would be held by Ministers of Transport and Tourism of both countries”, he added.
Source: www.avia.ru
22 May 2022 |
In March, 2022, implementation of the Guideline for the ground handling operation of Aerofuels Group of Companies procedures concerning voluntary certification started. Based on the results of inspection, Aerofuels Blagoveshchensk personnel training and qualification, first certificates of conformity were received.
The Guideline for the ground handling operation is the main permanent action document to govern regional subdivisions in the course of activities carried out in airports.
The Guideline was developed with regard to the current Russian air transport requirements, as well as international standards of JIG IATA and fuel quality pool IFQP, according to positive principles of full-scale fulfillment of processes and procedures regarding aviation fuels and lubricants reception, storage, preparation for delivery, delivery to refueling and refueling of aircrafts under normal conditions of airports activity, in the conditions enabling technical capacity of facilities, technological and refueling equipment of regional subdivisions, and with available irreducible technological stock of aviation fuels and lubricants of the required grade and quality.
05 Apr 2022 |
From April 09th, 2022, Russia resumes air communication with 52 countries, including Argentina, India, China and RSA. Due to the fact that COVID level declines, it was decided to expand the list of international destinations accessible to the Russian air lines. In the meeting held on Tuesday with United Russia fraction representatives Mr.Mikhail Mishustin, Prime-Minister, informed that relevant document had been signed on Monday, April the 04th. Currently there is no restriction of flights to 15 countries, including Eurasian Economic Union countries, Qatar and Mexico. Thus, by mid April, 2022, geography of international flights of the Russian air lines will be significantly expanded.